Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Life of Pi

Yesterday my adorable husband offered to drive me four and a half hours to visit my best friend and her two month old baby. My best friend and her husband closed on their very first, beautiful, new home on Friday. I couldn't wait to go meet Miss N, her perfect daughter, and see my friend.

I borrowed the audio version of Life of Pi for our road trip. I was completely intrigued and the whole first hour of the trip could only think how I really needed to read this myself instead of having someone read it to me. I was interested in so many things about it. I looked over at my adorable husband expecting the same reaction. To say the least, he was not as interested. I immediately stopped the CD and ordered the print version from Amazon. I will let you know when it's in! I can't wait to share some of my favorite parts already though!

Our visit was amazing. My best friend is absolutely glowing. Why wouldn't she be? Her house is beautiful and I feel like it was designed and built for them. Her daughter is beautiful. I held her for three straight hours and couldn't share. I am so in love with this tiny angel. And my friend is beautiful! Seriously, it's unreal that her daughter is only two months old. I am so happy for her that I don't even know what to say.

And I am so happy that my adorable husband makes these kind of days happen for me. He drove me four hours to visit my friend for three, and then drove me four hours home, bought me mexican food, and let me sleep in this morning. How did I get so lucky?

Wearing her new pink shoes from Aunt Kiki and Uncle D

Look at my beautiful best friend!

And on our drive home, we saw a Bentley. So I felt the need to be creepy and take pictures out the back of our car. I think it was someone famous. That's at least what I'm going to tell people.

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