Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Personal Statement

Last Friday we had a department meeting, my first department meeting as part of the Accounting department. We heard a very, very inspiring speech by our company's CEO and then were instructed to reflect back on the past year and what we had accomplished. We were told to look at our calendars and decide what meetings were a waste of time, what weekends were the best, and what things we wished we had put more energy into. I love this sort of thing! So I plan to do just that. Look back, review, assess, and move forward.

The next part of the speech was about looking at this coming year. Say no to meetings that aren't going to make good use of your precious time. Get excited about time with friends. Look forward to the things that are going to inspire your career and do things that you love. And I plan to do just that too.

And I am going to share these things with you as I go. I don't think it's one post. I think it's a few and I think it's exciting. Maybe you could share some of the things you've learned from the past year with me too? I had a busy, wonderful year. And I am only that more excited for this coming year.

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