Monday, August 19, 2013

Random Post About Lunch

Last night I asked my oldest nephew what he was most excited for about his first day of first grade. He didn’t hesitate before responding with his Angry Birds lunchbox. I love it. I love packing my lunch and Annabelle’s lunch for the next work day. Most of the time I feel like a first grader when packing my own lunch, and I can’t wait until I get to be more creative with Annabelle’s. I have been trying to make Annabelle’s food for the week on Sundays. I freeze batches of peas, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, and other things. One of my best friends watches Annabelle, as you know, so I am lucky that I get to leave food for her there at the beginning of the week. 

Each night I pack up a vegetable, some fruit, milk to mix with her oatmeal, and a bottle for drinking. Then in the morning I just have to mix together a fruit (she really like prunes and applesauce) with some oatmeal so that my friend just has to heat it up and serve. You know I’m already excited for the day that I get to switch this up by adding sandwiches in cute little shapes, yogurt, different fruits, and fun little treats.

 My mom used to write us little love notes on our napkins. I loved it! 

And what does this 27 year old pack up for herself? I have eaten almost the same lunch every day of my life, with just minor modifications to the sides. And no, I’m not talking about Taco Bell. Although on average I bet I eat that once every other week. I have always eaten a peanut butter sandwich, chips, an apple, and something else – usually string cheese or yogurt. I call this my lunch, but if you’ve ever worked with me you know that I eat this by about 10 a.m. And then throughout the rest of the day I love packing fun little snacks (that some might call meals). Today I ate oatmeal and raisins for my “snack.” And then sometime this afternoon I will probably eat some popcorn or almonds. I also drink a green tea almost every day at 2. 

What do you all pack for lunches and snacks?

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