Sister #2 is getting married very soon, and this past weekend we celebrated that fact. A few months ago me and her nine other bridesmaids went wedding dress shopping and she handed us each a book, one of her favorites of all time, Summer Sisters by Judy Blume. I won't spoil this book (and I won't send it to you in a giveaway because Sister #2 gave me her copy to read and it's precious to see her notes), but it is the perfect summer read. And I was almost finishing it for the millionth time since middle school when I paused to help throw a wedding shower for my summer sister.
Everything about summer reminds me of Sister #2. When I think of summer I think of sitting on our bench outside our apartment, of the Plaza art festival and fire pits on the river under the bridge outside our apartment, and laying out, drinking our (in)famous cucumber lime vodka drinks. I think about Royals games and cookouts. I think about running and singing country songs. All of these memories include Sister #2.
So this weekend I took a break from reading Summer Sisters to celebrate summer and my sister. My sister who swore herself into the NBO group years and years ago. And yesterday, sitting by the pool, thinking about this wonderful summer weekend, I finished the book and started the summer.
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