Thursday, September 13, 2012

David's Home!

I am not cut out to have a husband that travels. You wouldn't believe how pathetic I am when he's gone. I have no idea how people do it. I am such a homebody, but I've quickly discovered it's more about being with David in our home than just being home. This past week David had to go to Washington D.C. for a conference and I did not handle it well. I dropped him off at the airport early early Sunday morning and picked up him Wednesday after work. Seriously. I know. That is NO time. But to me it was for-ev-er!

Sunday night I stayed home alone and made a little mobile to hang in our daughter's room. This is a horrible picture, but you get the idea. This took hours and I was so happy when it was time to go to bed because I knew when I woke up I would be one day closer to seeing David.

Monday night I had my small group at one of our best friend's house so I stayed the night with them! I know. Completely crazy, but I was too lonely to go him to my empty house. The next morning I took this picture. I will be 28 weeks tomorrow!

And then Tuesday I was sure that I would be able to stay alone since David would be home the very next day. About midway through the day I decided I would go home after work and do some things and then go stay with my friends again. However, I received a surprise about 6:00 that night. Sister #2 was on her way to stay with me! I couldn't believe it. We have seriously not had any time just the two of us since I was six weeks pregnant! This was a great evening of spending time talking about the baby and her wedding (which is in just three weeks!!!) And Bo could not have been happier to see Aunt Abbs.

And then it was Wednesday. Thank goodness. I decided while he was gone that I don't want to stay home anymore when he goes on these trips. I'm not sure exactly how I will ever have enough vacation to go with him, but I will definitely figure it out. I am not sure where he has to go next, but I'm going too!

Now you can stop laughing. My crazy venting is over. Basically because he's home, it really feels like Fall, and I couldn't be happier.

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