Monday, May 30, 2011

Long Weekends

I feel like this three day weekend was such a gift. My adorable husband has had something going on after work almost every night of the week for a LONG time. And any night that he hasn't been busy, I have been. This weekend was a much needed break. I caught up with Sister #2 over cocktails and wedding magazines while Dave spent some much needed time with his friends. We then spent the rest of the weekend relaxing, working in the yard (we should have home grown tomatoes and peppers - yellow AND green - in no time!), went to and walked out of a movie (don't ask!), and just caught up with our loved ones. David was able to golf with his dad and friends while I had breakfast with his mom after my morning run. And now we just got back from my parents house where we were able to catch up with Sister #1 and family, Sister #4 who is getting ready to leave for a big deal, 3 month internship, and my wonderful parents. I feel so wonderful and relaxed. And it hasn't slipped my mind for a minute that this gift was given to us to recognize all of our service men and women who have given their lives, or are giving their lives, to keep our freedom. Happy Memorial Day weekend - and thank you to our service people and their families.

Now I get to finish the Order of The Phoenix with an iced green tea on my deck.

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